Saturday 21 June 2014

Hi there... and also, rocks.

Well, I did warn you that the past couple of weeks would be very busy, and they were. Good busy, but busy enough that personal computer stuff didn't happen (much) at work, and since that's the only place I do personal computer stuff other than here at Dad's, well... you saw the result. Or lack of result, as it were. In honour of making it through these past weeks -- and to give myself a little boost to get through end-of-school week coming up -- I stopped in at my favourite rock store (yes, I have a favourite rock store) on my way into town and bought myself a treat. Here's the new rocks:

Um, yeah. I was tired enough last night to forget to turn on the flash. Didn't realise it until the shutter didn't. seem. to. want. to. close. Ah well.

See below for what the rocks actually look like. That's lapis in the middle (I've always wanted a piece of lapis. At least, for as long as I've known what lapis was, I've wanted a piece of lapis. No particular reason), and then going clockwise from the left there's an amethyst turtle (turtle? Again, no reason. I like amethyst, and the turtle was cute), a wire cage for putting rocks in when you want to wear them (very handy, by the way), leopard skin jasper (which I was going to give you a link to, but holy Whomever do you get some weird pages come up when you google rocks. Apparently every bloody stone in the world can cure something), and a fossil shark's tooth (why? Because).

My two fans probably already know that I like wearing neat-looking rocks, but in the past month I've really been noticing that the kids I work with are interested in the rocks as well. One of the things that I've been busy with in the past while involved being with the same group of students every day for a school week, and some of them checked daily to see what I had on.

One day I was running a little late and very nearly didn't put anything on (meaning no rocks, of course. I did manage to put on clothes). Good thing for me that I remembered, because you'd better believe that they wanted to see what the stone of the day was.

That's cool. One of the reasons I've stayed in this job so long is that I like helping to make kids interested in things, whether it's by actively teaching them, or just by wearing intriguing rocks and encouraging them to find out more on their own.

Sigh. They've probably found more than their share of the weirdness of rock beliefs that way, I suppose.

Anyway. There's a post, and it's time -- past time, really -- for lunch. I have plenty of new pictures as of yesterday, so if nothing else I should have time to post photos in the coming week. Probably some words, too, but as anyone who's come here lately knows that's not always likely.

In other words, no promises.

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